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Shader Weaver on the Asset Store

The ultimate visual node-based shader editor for Unity

Shader Weaver is a node-based shader creation tool for Unity 2D,giving you the artistic freedom to enhance Sprites/UI in a visual and intuitive way.Distinctive nodes and workflow makes it easy to create impressive 2d effects and save huge time.

-Growing Samples
A pack of sample effects including shaders and textures to study and use freely.
-Intuitive interface
Clean and intuitive user interface.

-Mask Texture Creation
Draw masks to divide areas for individual sub-effects.

-UV Distortion
A visual way to distort uv corrdinates.

-UV Remapping
A unique way to make path along effects and object surrounding effects.

-Simple Operation
Use handles/gizmos like what you use to do.

Nice width/height corresponding preview.

-Hot keys
Hot keys are avaliable when drawing masks,operate textures and so on.

-Play Mode
Edit and update in play mode.

-Copy Paste
Support copy(ctrl+c) and paste(ctrl+v) for reusing nodes from other Shader Weaver effect.

Depth Sorting.

-Visual Modes
View textures' individual rgba channel and choose what to see by setting layers.


Shader Weaver © Jackie Lo